
KPF and POSCO to Jointly Promote the Bolt Business for Wind Power

  • Date : 2021.06.21 09:34
  • Hit : 38,432

KPF (CEOs Moo-hyun Song and Hyung-noh Kim) announced on the 17th that it had signed an agreement to jointly develop bolt demand for wind power towers and exchange solutions with POSCO on the 8th. 


▶Links :

◎ Energy Newspaper     https://www.energy-news.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=77070

◎ NewsWire                   https://www.newswire.co.kr/newsRead.php?no=925477

◎ Today Energy              https://www.todayenergy.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=237384