
SBB Tech, a KPF affiliate, broadcasts documentary

  • Date : 2019.09.20 13:54
  • Hit : 36,207

After the announcement of Japanese export regulations in 2019
Korea has become a white-listed white country...

Korean small and medium-sized companies confidently confronting the trade technology war with Japan with domestic technology
SBB Tech is a small giant in the field of precision control gearheads that is not behind Japanese technology.
Not only did President Moon Jae-in visit, but let's meet the challenge of SBB Tech, a small giant, dreaming of a bigger leap forward.



▶ Link


 Part 1 : http://www.chi.or.kr/front/program/proVodView.do?pageIndex=1&programIdx=8088&contentIdx=204502&contentBoardKind=image?contentIdx=204502



 Part 2 : http://www.chi.or.kr/front/program/proVodView.do?pageIndex=1&programIdx=8088&contentIdx=204503&contentBoardKind=image?contentIdx=204503